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Friday, August 5, 2011

Enjoying Free Time

For a while after moving to a new place with no job, I was a little stressed (imagine that) and bored and sad. Then, I realized that I may as well enjoy all the time I have to do the things I love.  It turns out this is just the kind of day I like: wake up, work out, have my coffee and shower, and spend the rest of the day painting and cooking. (Oh, and planning the big wedding!)

I never claimed to be a great artist. I just really enjoy painting. God blessed me with enough artistic ability that I can spend a few hours bringing a blank canvas to life without getting completely frustrated with myself. That’s about the full extent of it though.

Recently, I painted this flower pot. I aspire to have a beautiful garden and flower beds. Of course, that can’t happen while I have no yard. This little project allowed me to start exercising my green thumb. I planted some flowers in the pot after painting it. They have sprouted, so we will see how long they make it.

The quote is an Indian Proverb used frequently in LSU’s College of Education: “Great oaks from little acorns grow.”
I have also spent a lot of time experimenting in the kitchen. At my wonderful bridal shower I received a TON of kitchen tools, and I have thoroughly enjoyed using them all. Last night we had shrimp stuffed twice-baked potatoes with sautéd shrimp and toast. It was YUMMY!

Here are the baking experiments from yesterday: Pink Lemonade Layer Cake (from the Deen Brothers) and Gooey Turtle Bars (from Southern Living). Of course, neither went quite as planned. The cakes were baked perfectly, but they split in half when I flipped them onto the cake plate. Luckily I was able to salvage them with the homemade lemonade icing. Doesn’t look glamorous, but I’m assuming it will taste pretty great.

I made this for my upcoming beach trip with the Watson family. I’ll let ya know what they think.
The Gooey Turtle Bars taste absolutely delicious. We shared a few at our game night. However, they won’t come out of the pan. This is one of those eat-it-from-the-pan-while-it-crumbles-in-your-hand kind of desserts. I’m trying to figure out what made the stick to the pan, but not to each other. I’ll adjust the recipe to make it work, then I’ll pass it along, because they really are a wonderful treat.

Mmm. Can’t wait to see what next week brings!

1 comment:

  1. I love your pots! My dad will sometimes say a variation on your quote: "From small seeds grow great trees." Love it!

