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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Fun

Summer is so much fun! Mike and I have been having a fabulous summer. When school was out, we took our honeymoon to Runaway Bay, Jamaica. It was wonderful! There are some pictures below.
This was our first fruity drink of the stay. Delicious.

Spending some time on the beach.

Celebrating Brittany and Brett's marriage! Congrats, y'all!

The view from our room.

Our beach.

We also threw our housewarming party. We were so lucky to have so many friends and family members here to celebrate our new home. My mom and sister even flew in to surprise me! We took them for cheesesteaks and Paulie’s (our favorite local restaurant) while they were here. We also did a few necessary tourist things: Liberty Bell, Art Museum steps (Rocky style). There are pictures below. (Note: Mom also ran the steps, but we forgot to get her picture. L)

I am teaching summer school and tutoring three students right now. I really enjoy tutoring. It really allows you to see what the student accomplishes so closely—a very rewarding experience so far. Summer school is not as fun as tutoring, but I can’t really complain either. It is only three hours long, and my class is great. It is just the “summer” part of it that I don’t enjoy so much. It may become an every-other-year habit. This year, though, it is worth it. I am gaining a ton of experience to carry into my new Middle School I classroom, AND we’re getting new hardwood floors for at least one living room out of it!

Speaking of living room: We just painted our PURPLE! That’s right—GEAUX TIGERS! Only one wall is deep (LSU) purple. The other walls are very pale. There is a picture below. It was a daring move, but I love it. Now, I’m ready to dress it up!

In news other than my own, my brother went to King’s Camp this summer. He had a wonderful time, because it is a fantastic camp! He could not say anything bad about it. He loved every minute. I can’t say I’m surprised. I love it, along with all the people who have ever spent time there, just as much. Zeke even got a special award: Spiritual Growth. If you see him, encourage him and help him stay on a path of spiritual growth!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” - 1 Th 5:11