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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Joy of the Season

Yesterday, I woke up and got ready to head to campus for another full day of classes. As I was packing my lunch, I hit a little road block:

For lunch, I had planned to eat the leftover pizza from dinner with a great friend the night before. This pizza was DELICIOUS. (FYI: I recommend BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse in Baton Rouge.) Then, as I was getting out of the refrigerator, I realized…FRIDAY=NO MEAT! “Stinking Lent!” was my first thought. Reluctantly, I put the deep dish pizza away and turned for the can of tuna and an apple.

Usually, when I tell people that I gave up Coke (or soda, for my northern friends) and meat on Fridays for Lent, their response is, “but you’re not Catholic.”
Oh dear friends, I may not be Catholic, but I am most certainly in the season of my Savior’s death and resurrection!

Fasting is a practice that is biblical; therefore, it is not intended for only those who practice Catholicism. Jesus did it (Matthew 4:2). His people did it (Daniel 9:3). He commanded us to do it: “‘Even now,’” declares the LORD, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning’” (Joel 2:12).

Once I packed my tuna sandwich and accepted that I would not be having my pizza at all on Friday, I realized that giving up meat one day a week and not drinking cokes for forty is really the least I can do. The season of new life is here. Jesus has died and conquered the grave. I find great JOY in showing my respect and awe of my God by fasting during Lent.

When you’re reverent in your fasting, pizza doesn’t seem much better than tuna anyway.

New Addition: Things I will miss about Louisiana….
This is a new little addition to my posts. Until I move to Pennsylvania in July, I will add a thing or two that I will miss about Louisiana to my posts.

Things I will miss about Louisiana….
My students are learning about Louisiana music in their music class right now. On Thursday, the music teacher played Jambalaya. Mrs. Dart and I were sitting in the back of the classroom doing some planning and grading. When we looked up, we realized we were both dancing in our seats, and so were all 22 of our 3rd graders. Oh Louisiana, how I will miss your music!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There is always more!

Oh boy! Oh boy! How we underestimate our wonderful Jesus!

When I started this, I really, honestly thought 2011 would be “just another year.” Oh, how I was WRONG! Once, I got engaged I thought there may be more in store, but I still didn’t know what was coming my way…and I’m sure I still don’t know. Here’s my newest 2011 checklist though:

1.       Receive a MASTER’S Degree! (Elementary Education)
2.       Get certified to teach grades 1-12.
3.       King’s Camp Work Study Director (
4.       Move to Pennsylvania/New Jersey.
5.       Vacation at the Jersey Shore
6.       Become a teacher.
7.       GET MARRIED! Become Mrs. Michael Watson (and also the happiest woman in the entire world)

I’m sure there will be so many things along that bring me so much JOY! I just can’t help but stop and look at the wonderful things my God has is store so far!!!

Bring it on 2011!

Side Story: Picture a 3rd grade classroom, learning new vocabulary words for the week.
Me:  Can anyone tell me what “yearned” means?
Girl #1: It’s like when you’re really sleepy and your mouth falls open.
Girl #2: No, you’re thinking of yawned. Yearned is like when you have to go to the bathroom #1.
(Sometimes I wonder just how beneficial classroom discussion really is.)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Words, Great Joy

When I started this blog, I never anticipated the semester I would have. I have never been so stressed in my entire life. There is so much going on that I cry when I look at my to-do lists, because I don’t know where to start.
Of course, I am student-teaching, writing a thesis-type project, working on a Master’s Degree, working, and planning a wedding. Oh, and my fiancĂ© may be moving back to Pennsylvania soon. No pressure though.
I don’t write those things in an attempt to gain pity. I am a firm believer that “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” –Philippians 4:13 Though that may be one of the most-used verses in the Bible, I feel that it is so real when we are overwhelmed. It is just amazing to me that God has given me His infinite power to use in accomplishing my very finite goals. Now, I have never claimed to be perfect, so I often forget that He has given me the strength AND asked me to cast my worries upon Him. (1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.)
The reason I did say all of that is to explain that I have really been overlooking the JOY in my life. There are so many wonderful small things. As I write that, I have to think one of my dear friends, Kristen Eubanks. That girl is just really about enjoying the small things in life—a lesson I wish I had learned from her much earlier.
The small things: little words.
I smile inside and out when a student says, “Ms. Sullivan, I sure do love yo hair. It’s so long.”
I smile inside and out when I get a text from my wonderful fiancĂ© that says, “I love you, babe. I can’t wait until you’re my wife.”
I smile inside and out when a parent of one of my Sunday school kids is so friendly.
Side story: There is this one little family that I just LOVE at The Chapel! They have three little boys…three very cute little boys. The mom and dad always come together to drop them off to their separate classrooms. I have had the youngest (maybe 8 months now) on Wednesday evenings since he began attending. He is just so so precious and a wonderful baby! I really miss him when he isn’t there! Then, the parents are so personal and deliberate in knowing me. They use my name when they come and leave: “Hey, Ms. Tiffany! Good to see you this week.” “Tell Ms. Tiffany thank you. Have a good week.” They always ask intentional questions about my life. It makes me feel so special. They are just a blessing to my heart. Wonderful example of Christian people. Love it. Love it.
Um…well, maybe that isn’t a side story. Maybe that is the story. Maybe they are a large part of the joy in my life right now. My JOY: Mike Watson, 3rd Graders, and a good Christian family. Man, God is good all the time.