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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Oh, so it has been quite a while since my last post. Whew! I promise it is NOT because I am not finding joy in life right now. Actually, I have been waiting on some pictures from Mike. He couldn’t get them uploaded, so I decided to post anyway.
I am immensely blessed. Let me just say that GOD IS GOOD! Don’t doubt it, my friends. He is good all the time.
I graduated! On May 20th, I received my Master’s degree from LSU, and I am now really certified to teach all elementary grades, as well as middle and high school math. I graduated with a 4.0, too. I’m a little proud, but not the self-righteous kind. I’m proud that I was able to lean on God that He knew what He was doing when He pushed me to embark on such a feat. Thanks, my Jesus. Thanks, Dad and Mom too. I’m really glad they were both able to come down and celebrate with me.
The day after graduation, my family graciously packed all my things and moved me home to Lake Providence. I seriously miss Baton Rouge. My friends, my church, and my job. Even though my Lake Providence family doesn’t like to hear this, Baton Rouge became my home for six years. It was home when I grew the most and really discovered who I am. Through all the controversy of choosing Baton Rouge as the location for our wedding, Mike and I stuck with it. Now, I am happier with our decision than ever. We met there. We went to church there. We grew together there. It is more “our home” than anywhere else so far. Having our wedding in that place is only right, and will anchor Baton Rouge in our hearts forever. This brings an even deeper joy to my wedding day.
Over the past few weeks, I have been able to experience my original home again. Oh, how I missed this place and will miss it in the future! I was welcomed back with a huge crawfish boil with my whole family. Nothing makes you feel more special than family. The party really meant more to me than they will ever know. During my time here this time, I have spent even more time with my extended family than in the past. I was able to spend a couple of nights with my Nana, which really blesses my heart every time. I’m really going to miss Nana when I move. That is one part of the deal that I don’t like to dwell on just yet.
I also got to spend a few days here and there with cousins and aunts. Fellowship with merry family really does the heart good.  I spent a couple of days with Aunt Ruthie. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you love someone until you are about to move halfway across the country and see them much less. I have always sincerely respected Aunt Ruthie, but these visits were extra special. I suppose I cherish the visits more because I’m leaving, but I am also growing up, and I am coming to realize what an amazing woman she is. Working wife and mother, sister, daughter, Granna, youth director, and friend to so many in her community. Aunt Ruthie takes struggles and turns them into spiritual growth. Her relationship with her family and her God are amazing to me, as well as the affect those things have on everyone she knows. She really exhibits the joy of the Lord. I’m glad I was able to slow myself down and recognize and appreciate it finally.
Today, I’m preparing to leave for King’s Camp. Pray that God’s will be done, as it is His camp and we are all there to work for His glory. Also pray for a slight breeze to flow through camp. Summers in Louisiana are just HOT! We need the relief every now and then. Breezes are wonderful blessings at camp!
P.S. The wedding is coming together nicely. Save the Dates are on their way out! Check out our website for other updates!