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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Fall Y'all

Oh my goodness. It has been quite some time since my last update. Oops!

Usually, when I come home from work I have so much wedding stuff to do that I don’t even think about updating my blog. The only time it crosses my mind is when I read someone else’s post. BUT we’ve got everything packed up, and all our wedding “stuff” will be headed to Louisiana tomorrow. So I have time for a little update now.

Mike and I spent last Saturday pumpkin picking. We went to the greatest pumpkin patch/fall carnival ever! With a hayride, games, and a HUGE pumpkin patch, we barely even noticed that we were the only couple with NO CHILDREN in the whole place. Next time, we will borrow someone’s child.
 Mike, of course, chose the biggest pumpkin in the patch at 30 lbs.

We didn’t carve the pumpkins until Wednesday, but it was a ton of fun. Mike made a “W” for our little home, and my face’s smile says “HALLOWEEN.” We definitely are not professionals. I think we are getting better every year though!
We also have some little pumpkins on our little cutout near the stairs. This was a Pinterest project, and I think they are so cute! We also made the wreath and candy jars to complete our decorations! My jar is on the left. Mike's is on the right.


It’s been a good fall so far! Now, it’s WEDDING TIME!

"He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." --Daniel 2:21