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Friday, January 28, 2011

There is JOY in the midst of it all

Oh, geez! I’m already falling behind on this blogging thing. To catch up: class has started, teaching has started, and work has begun.
The point of this blog is to find the JOY of life along the way. Sometimes that takes real reflection on situations. Recently, I have done a lot of reflecting in an effort to do just that, enJOY life along the way.
The past couple of weeks have been more than overwhelming. First, I stepped into my last semester of student-teaching. My class is made of seventeen fourth-graders, and my teacher has been teaching for more than 15 years. The adjustment from 27 adorable 1st graders to “almost teenagers” has been quite difficult. The social and academic atmospheres are very different, not to mention I am at a new school. Tough.  However, JOY can be found in it all. The benefits of having a teacher with so much experience are innumerable. The feedback and encouragement are so wonderful. Also, the students are old enough to have normal conversations and crack jokes. They are fun. Though it is different, there is JOY in this new adventure.
Of course, I am also looking for a teaching position for next year. Uncertainty stresses me out immensely, so this is a really big deal. In addition, I will also be moving: maybe to a new apartment complex, maybe to a new town, or maybe to a new state. God is so good though. In the chaos of all of this, I was given something solid, unchanging to rely upon. Something vastly special to me. The JOY in this uncertain future is King’s Camp. God provided me with that refuge and certainty. This summer I will be safe, refilled, and used at one of the most amazing place I have ever been able to visit. I look so forward to growing in my relationship, while leading volunteers in a spiritual experience regarding service and worship. It is an opportunity that gives me unbelievable JOY!
It may be a stressful time, but there is JOY abounding. Thank you, Father for the wonderful blessings each day!
P.S. Megan Hawkins leaves for Prague on January 31st. Check out her blog ( and support an amazing woman of God.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blessings yesterday, today, and tomorrow...

Yesterday, I spent the evening at Leo's. Mike (my boyfriend) plays hockey there two nights a week. Yes, ice, the Canadian game. I have really enjoyed getting to watch him and learn the game at the same time. I was athlete in high school, and I really miss the competition. As a result, I'm beginning to really like this game. Mike plays and referees games at Leo's, so I spend a lot of time there. The last three times I went, I heard some gossip about my boy. Mike claims to be pretty good at hockey. (He played in college in Pennsylvania for a couple of years.) Of course, I always thought he may be exaggerating. However, I have had the privilege of overhearing numerous recent conversations to support his claim. Everyone knows him. He led the league in points last season. LSU invited him to play on their team, and he started his second game with them. He has been asked to play in three recent tournaments. He scored all four of his team's goals in their 4-0 victory over the #2 team in the league. He scored three goals the following night (yesterday). Needless to say, he isn't boastful. He is correct. He is a fabulous ice hockey player, and I really enjoy watching him. You should come watch too: February 4th and 5th LSU vs. Alabama. Geaux Tigers and Geaux Mike!

Today was the first day of my LAST semester at LSU. In May I will receive a Master of Arts Degree in Elementary Education, along with thirty-four amazing future teachers. After six years at LSU, I will be certified to teach all subjects in 1st to 5th grade, as well as 7-12 grade mathematics. It has been a long journey, but one well-worth the time. LSU has made a great home for me to experience many new things and grow in ways I never imagined. There are so many things that I could say about the community here, but there just isn't time to cover it all. Jesus blessed me with the best college experience I could have asked for, and I look forward to the endeavors the future holds.

Tomorrow, I will step into a fourth-grade classroom at Parkview Elementary. I met the students in December, and I am excited to be working with them this semester. There are 17 students in my class. The teacher is an Auburn graduate (I know, I know). She has been teaching in Louisiana for many years though, so she is probably broken in (hopefully). Either way, I am excited about the experiences this classroom will bring. I hope to learn as much from Mrs. Stevens and her students as they will learn from me. Although I will Ms. Johnson’s first grade immensely, I am looking forward to the new challenges in fourth grade.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year, A New Thing

With this year comes many new beginnings and endings. The endings will be sad, but they symoblize the change from one chapter in my life to another.

Student. For the last six years, have checked "student" in a number of occupational boxes. However, that changes in 2011. In May I will be transformed from student to teacher. LSU is even going to give me a piece of paper to make it offical. This ending opens the door to uncertainty and excitement. Over the next few months, I will be searching for a school that will allow my personality to enhance the educational experience of the students with whom I come into contact. A job search is always nerve-racking, but this one will be exciting as well, as it is my first big-kid job.

Dependent. Of course, as a student, I have been sheltered by the stability of mom and dad. They have been wonderful in providing me with a lifestyle that allowed me to experience so many of the things I desired. When I become a real grown-up with my big-kid job, I will also become independent. The end of relying on mom and dad; the beginning of paying my own bills. It doesn't sound fun, but I am looking optimistically toward finding my home little home. Maybe one day I'll begin to form my own little family in that little home.

So with the new year and high expectations for the changes it brings, I have a started something new to document my LIFE ALONG THE WAY. I hope you enjoy the journey as well.