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Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year, A New Thing

With this year comes many new beginnings and endings. The endings will be sad, but they symoblize the change from one chapter in my life to another.

Student. For the last six years, have checked "student" in a number of occupational boxes. However, that changes in 2011. In May I will be transformed from student to teacher. LSU is even going to give me a piece of paper to make it offical. This ending opens the door to uncertainty and excitement. Over the next few months, I will be searching for a school that will allow my personality to enhance the educational experience of the students with whom I come into contact. A job search is always nerve-racking, but this one will be exciting as well, as it is my first big-kid job.

Dependent. Of course, as a student, I have been sheltered by the stability of mom and dad. They have been wonderful in providing me with a lifestyle that allowed me to experience so many of the things I desired. When I become a real grown-up with my big-kid job, I will also become independent. The end of relying on mom and dad; the beginning of paying my own bills. It doesn't sound fun, but I am looking optimistically toward finding my home little home. Maybe one day I'll begin to form my own little family in that little home.

So with the new year and high expectations for the changes it brings, I have a started something new to document my LIFE ALONG THE WAY. I hope you enjoy the journey as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm excited to know a little more about your life! I feel so disconnected from you guys. Good luck on your last semester! GEAUX TIGERS!
