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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blessings yesterday, today, and tomorrow...

Yesterday, I spent the evening at Leo's. Mike (my boyfriend) plays hockey there two nights a week. Yes, ice, the Canadian game. I have really enjoyed getting to watch him and learn the game at the same time. I was athlete in high school, and I really miss the competition. As a result, I'm beginning to really like this game. Mike plays and referees games at Leo's, so I spend a lot of time there. The last three times I went, I heard some gossip about my boy. Mike claims to be pretty good at hockey. (He played in college in Pennsylvania for a couple of years.) Of course, I always thought he may be exaggerating. However, I have had the privilege of overhearing numerous recent conversations to support his claim. Everyone knows him. He led the league in points last season. LSU invited him to play on their team, and he started his second game with them. He has been asked to play in three recent tournaments. He scored all four of his team's goals in their 4-0 victory over the #2 team in the league. He scored three goals the following night (yesterday). Needless to say, he isn't boastful. He is correct. He is a fabulous ice hockey player, and I really enjoy watching him. You should come watch too: February 4th and 5th LSU vs. Alabama. Geaux Tigers and Geaux Mike!

Today was the first day of my LAST semester at LSU. In May I will receive a Master of Arts Degree in Elementary Education, along with thirty-four amazing future teachers. After six years at LSU, I will be certified to teach all subjects in 1st to 5th grade, as well as 7-12 grade mathematics. It has been a long journey, but one well-worth the time. LSU has made a great home for me to experience many new things and grow in ways I never imagined. There are so many things that I could say about the community here, but there just isn't time to cover it all. Jesus blessed me with the best college experience I could have asked for, and I look forward to the endeavors the future holds.

Tomorrow, I will step into a fourth-grade classroom at Parkview Elementary. I met the students in December, and I am excited to be working with them this semester. There are 17 students in my class. The teacher is an Auburn graduate (I know, I know). She has been teaching in Louisiana for many years though, so she is probably broken in (hopefully). Either way, I am excited about the experiences this classroom will bring. I hope to learn as much from Mrs. Stevens and her students as they will learn from me. Although I will Ms. Johnson’s first grade immensely, I am looking forward to the new challenges in fourth grade.

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