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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can't. Wait. Much. Longer.

School does start here for another couple of weeks, which is a huge relief for me! I don’t have a job yet, so I’m still hopeful that something will materialize in the next 2 weeks. I have a second interview with an incredible private school this week. I absolutely love everything I have seen so far, and I am hoping to get a great offer from them. Keep me in your prayers!
As you can imagine with school so close and all my friends already teaching, I am a little anxious! Ok. Maybe more than a little. I am kind of nervous about getting a job at the last minute and having to get my classroom ready. Of course, that would be better than not getting a job, but it would really stress me out! There is also a possibility that I will get a job in which I will not have my own classroom, so I shouldn’t be worried yet. I am though.
In order to relieve a little of my anxiety, I painted. My sister has already claimed this picture, so I’m afraid it won’t even make it to our Etsy. If you like it, I can definitely recreate it. Let me know if you are interested. I suppose I would make another for you for around $20.

The painting did relieve a little of my worry, but I decided about halfway through that painting cotton was not getting me any closer to having things ready for a classroom. I obviously can’t spend money on a classroom I don’t have yet. I can, however, start MAKING things for the classroom.

I chose an owl theme, but my reading area will be the Cajun Corner. (I just can’t have a classroom without having a little Louisiana in there.) I made a few little owls that I will eventually laminate and use as decoration of some sort. I was also able to find some cute owls online and make some great stationary and labels for my classroom. I see a future for this theme…
I have also really gotten into teacher blogs. My blog is not all about teaching. It is about the joy of life (a little joie de vivre, if you will). However, I have becom
e very interested in Marisa’s cute little teacher blog. She is a sister of my friend Laura, who also has a sweet blog. Marisa has so many interesting tips for classrooms, as well as a ton of suggested books! Great resource for teachers! I have also discovered Amanda’s blog, The Teaching Thief. Amanda also has a great blog with suggested books, and she even has a giveaway this week! Look out…you may get some free EXPO MARKERS!
I’m getting so excited about teaching now! I NEED A JOB! Oh Father, I trust your plan for me.
Jeremiah 29:11


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, I came across you're blog while browsing! Keep your head up about finding a job. I found a job after my state's "September 30th Count", when they were able to hire another teacher due to high enrollment. So I found a job in October! That was 2 years ago, and I'm so glad I got my foot in the door. So don't lose faith when school starts!

  3. Owls :) Owls have always reminded me of Nana. Good luck on the job hunt.

  4. Thanks for the sweet shoutout! Good luck on your job search. I'll put in a prayer for ya! ;)


  5. PS: I've found some cute owl stuff on pinterest. Here are a few links:

    If you haven't started pinning, let me know and I'll send you an invite!


