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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Thanksgiving came and went with no post. I thought about writing some long, detailed explanations of the many things for which I am thankful this year. The truth is, if you’re enjoying life along the way (which has been my focus in this blog), everything is a blessing. Instead of a list of all those blessings, I will give you an update on what is going on in the Watson household.

I have jumped into a new class. The Cambridge School has a wonderful 4th grade teacher who is going out on maternity leave in January. I have been chosen to try to fill her shoes. I am extremely excited to take on the challenge, but I am also nervous. As I said, Mary is a fantastic teacher, and I absolutely do not want her students to be dealt a disservice by inheriting me in her absence. Pray that God leads me in attitude, patience, creativity, and heart over the next few months as I learn the 4th grade routines and become an integral part in executing them.

In other Cambridge news, my very favorite student is planning to transition into a new school soon. Keep my heart in your prayers, because I am seriously going to miss this kid.

In addition to some new beginnings at school, Mike and I are planning to open some new doors in our marriage. We are looking into purchasing a home within the next three or so months. Though we love our little rental condo, we think it is more logical in the long run for us to go ahead and buy now. Of course, it has made us much more aware of our future as a couple. We have had to already think about a school district for our children who do not exist yet. It’s kind of weird, but also very exciting. We are trusting God to open the door to the right home and provide stepping stones for us to follow to that door. So far, He has provided us with an excellent realtor and loan officer, who have both been very involved, understanding, and helpful.

It has been a while since I shared a prayer request with you, so I’ll toss another one in the mix of what I already wrote. I mentioned this adventure before, but just to remind you, my friends Lesley and Camille are teaching English in China this year. They graduated with me (twice) from LSU, and they are absolutely beautiful women inside and out. Please check out their blogs (by clicking their names above) and prayerfully support their journey in China.

Oh yeah, and Christmas is soon. That means that snow is probably coming soon…but we are not going to talk about that just yet. Instead, I’ll share some pictures of our decorations! We have our first Watson tree and our little condo is full of Christmas cheer.

This is our sweet Christmas tree. It was a unanimous #1...just like my LSU tigers!

I found this guy at the Christmas Store and fell in love.

My new Grandmom gave me this last summer. Now, I need to make cookies!

My gift wrapping scheme.

LOVE this wreath! It took me 3 tries, but it was so worth it!

I made these from burlap and cardstock, and I think they are adorable.

The wreath over our mantle. I'm less proud of it, but Mike loves it. He keeps saying, "Be merry" really randomly.

Full shot of the mantle, including our sweet reindeer stocking holders. We have ordered stockings from Etsy, but they have not come in, which is quite frustrating.

Bottom line: we're ready for Christmas! Oh, and GEAUX TIGERS! 13-0...sweet!

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